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Lifelong Learning (Adult Education)

At Temple Beth Shalom, not only the kids are learning—adults are active learners, too!  As a community, we support a rich tradition of lifelong Jewish learning, where our adults and parents are just as engaged as our children. Come to a class or lecture opportunity to participate in a lively discussion, get to know other members of our community, and hopefully learn something new.   

Adult Education Event April 11, 7 - 8:30pm at TBS

The Magic and Mysticism of Trees: Planting Trees As an Act of Faith
Register here

Speakers include:
Lauren Fins, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho: Forest ecosystems and the awe-someness of trees
Art Zack, PhD: Forest ecology, Human evolution and Human Ecology
Rabbi Tamar Malino: The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees
Justyce Brant: SpoCanopy and the Lands Council: Planting a Tree!


Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784